Home and School

Home and School Association

The École Arthur Meighen Home & School Association is a non-profit organization strengthening the role of families in education and fostering meaningful parent participation in support of the mission statement of the school.

The objectives of the Home and School Association are:

  • To enhance communication between the community and school staff.
  • To promote parent interest and understanding of the educational programs and services provided by the school.
  • To provide a parental and community perspective of student needs.
  • To raise funds to purchase needed equipment and educational materials for the students of École Arthur Meighen.
  • To organize special educational events for the students in consultation with the administration.
  • To communicate Association activities to all parents through posting of minutes of the meetings on the Home & School Association bulletin board and on the webpage.


Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information